- Be precise, clear, slow enough sothe child can listen and understand.
- For the correct pronunciation, the child gains the information indirectly, by observing and trying on himself.
- The vocabulary should be challenging and shouldbe unknown to child.
- 1st step: Introduction (Naming): Point to the object and give the name.
If you are working with cards , then present the cards one by one, donot lay all down, it wouldbe an obstacle in learning.
No discussion, no explanation inthis stage,just give the name.
Isolate the difficulty: the new word.
In a different time, you can provide information from books, videos, go outside or experience the new word in different aspects.
- 2nd step: Association/ Recognition: Here, you pronounce, the child recognises.
"Please show me..."
" Please give me..."
" Please take the..."
If the child is so active, then include movement inthis stage.
You should not always use the same command.
You should include different activities.
This stage should be as long as possible.
If the child is done with the recognition, then you can pass into the next stage.
- 3rd stage: Recall. This stage is a kind of test.
This is the only stage that the child pronounces.
Do not be boring here, try to be creative.
For example, say close your eyes,and hide one object.Then ask for the missing object.
Another example, say close your eyes, then give an object on her hand and then, tellher "guess what it is".
You can find our three period lesson example below:
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