development and growth of human being proceeds not incidentally but according
to certain rules commanded by nature. The child has a great sensibility and
since his birth, he starts absorbing his environment through this vehicle. But,
this absorbance does not happen as a whole at one time; the information is a
confusing mass at first, then it loosens in time and becomes clear in the end.
This process arises one by one and in a predetermined schedule. While he
focuses on contrasting black-white colored objects in a period of time, he
directs his attention to bright colors in another time. This focus of attention
always changes both the issue to learn and the time to work. This is called as
sensitive period. “Thus what we have called
"incarnation" and the sensitive periods might
be compared to a spy-hole opening on the inner processes of
mind in the making, that we see, as it were
internal organs at work, determining
the mental growth of the child (The Secret of Childhood, p.51)”. Sensitive periods are very interesting
to me but it is a must for such an interesting developing creature at the same
time. Because when I try to stand on my daughters' feet, I think that she
should be feeling just like an alien :) "What is she saying? Is it eaten?
How to hold a box? What is that color..." Any tiny detail that we never
think about is of interest for them. Thus, a sensitive period is a great solution
that as if regulates the "topics" to be learnt, put them in an order
and prepare a curriculum. Because it would be chaotic for the kid if there was
not exist such a perception. It focuses on a - sometimes more than one-
dimension of the huge environment waiting to be conquered as if a
flashlight shines a part for them. “When
he is sensible of something, it is as if a light came from him, illuminating
that and no other, and of such things his world is made. But it is not a
question only of an intense desire to find himself in given situations, or to
absorb given elements. The child has a special, unique capacity for profiting by these in order to
grow, for it is during the sensitive period that he acquires certain
psychological faculties, like that of orienting himself in his outer
environment, and becomes able to bring his motor organs to life in all their
intimate and delicate particulars (The Secret of Childhood, p.52)”. The
sensitive period comes from the unconscious mind and leads to conscious
activities. It is a specific period when the child shows strong attraction in
the first plane of development. It is inflexible, purposeful and directed by
inner guide. So, do not try to redirect the child towards another activity.
In my family life, our daughter has always been a real guide
for us. We definitely followed her in caring and satisfying her needs, even
shopping the items accordingly, such as if she starts trying to wear our home
slippers, then we say "Ok, it is the right time to have her own a slipper."
For example, if she becomes interested in holding spoon during the meal and
tries to grab it from me, then it should be eating by spoon by herself and I
let her do it. Besides, I immediately start spoon transferring activities
in order to improve her ability and satisfy her instinct. It is the same now
for my little one nowadays. She heads for lids wherever she sees and even cries
if do not understand and give it to her. For the sake of improvement of this, I
prepare different types of activities with lids for her because I know all of
these predispositions will disappear in time and new ones will arise. So it is
now, the right time for supporting him for earning that quality in the fastest
way ever and preparing the right conditions for him. “'Then all is easy, all
is eagerness and
life, every effort is an increase of
power. But when
some of these psychic
passions die away,
other flames are
kindled, and so infancy
passes from conquest
to conquest, in a
continuous vital vibrancy,
which we have
called its joy and simplicity (The Secret of Childhood, p.51)”. Thus, we should respect this energy that
directs our children through learning, and fulfilling their duties, stop
ourselves from getting in their way and prepare the required environment for
this irreversible unique goal. If the adult tries to prevent him from doing it,
he will display tantrum behaviors. “If
the baby has not been able to work in
accordance with the guidance of its sensitive period, it has lost its chance of
a natural conquest, and has lost it forever. When something in its environment
hinders its inner working, the existence of a sensitive period shows itself by
violent reactions, despair that we believe to
be causeless, and therefore set down to "naughtiness" and temper.
Naughtiness is the expression of an inner disturbance, an unsatisfied need, a
state of tension; the child's soul is crying out for what it needs, seeking to
defend itself (The Secret of
Childhood, p.55)”. Hence, the child should be allowed to do the trait as much
as she wants to do. When he behaves through his inner guide, he gets calm,
relaxed after finishing his activity because he is satisfied now.
The characteristic of a child is universal, no matter the era, culture,
gender, ethnicity or religion. We can gather the sensitive periods of some
certain characteristics under six titles:
1- Order: It occurs between
the ages of 1 and 4 approximately. It helps to categorize environment and make
sense of the world. The sense of sequence arises in this period, i.e. they line
the things starting from the beginning to the end. As anything in the world
includes patterns, such as in making a sentence, they become aware of these
patterns and are interested in them. They need their environment to be stable
and they love routines like bed time routines. For instance my fifteen month
old daughter always leaves whatever she is doing and closes the cabinet doors
or drawers if they are open. It is an obvious sign that she is in the sensitive
period of order.
2- Language: Language is a mean of communication used
for delivering ideas, emotions, etc. Language development stages are universal,
i.e. all children pass the same periods from birth to six years old. The child
acquires the language in his environment effortlessly, hence, we should prepare
suitable environment in order to expose him to language, and otherwise there
will be retardation in his development as in the example of the child left in a
jungle in The Absorbent Mind book.
3- Coordination and Control of Movement: As we look at the development
of movement, we notice that cerebellum, skeleton and nerves development are the
milestones of movement. The child gains independence parallel to the
development of movement between the ages of one and four. He explores his
environment and learns through movement activities. “In education as a whole
movement is sadly neglected and all importance is given to the brain. This is a
great mistake (The Absorbent Mind).” “Movement
is the last part that completes the cycle of
thought, and spiritual uplift is
attained through action or work. Mind and movement are two parts
of a single cycle, and movement
is the superior expression. It is essential for our new education that mental development be connected with movement and
dependent on it. Without movement there is no progress and no mental health (Education for a New World).” Therefore,
our responsibility here is to provide the child a well-prepared environment to
improve his eye-hand coordination, gross and fine motor skills, which are in
turn, will lead to mental development.
4- Sensorial development: Refinement of senses
encompasses the first period of development. A human being possesses five
senses and we should focus on each separately by doing optic, acoustic, tactile,
olfactory, and gustatory, weight and temperature based activities. Maria
Montessori developed materials for each feature to isolate it from any other
detail, such as color box, smelling jars, touch boards, etc. We can use items
we have in our houses as well. Instead of smelling jars, I used kinder surprise
eggs. I dropped lavender, daphnia, coconut oils and rosewater on cotton buds
and put them in each egg. All were the same in appearance. I numbered the same
odors with the same numbers at the bottom and asked for my daughter smell and
match each odor. Then checked them if they are correct using the numbers.
5- Social Development: The critical period for
this sensitivity is between 2, 5 and 6 years old. Social development has a
vital importance in the human life and if suitable environment is not provided
for the children in this period, many deficiencies may occur when they become
adults. Montessori philosophy gives great importance to this development and
prepares the classroom environment accordingly. A Montessori class consists of
30-40 children of different age groups, because one or two friends does not
meet a child’ s social needs and a child needs to have friends of both the same
age and younger or older ages. In such an environment, children have opportunity
to observe other groups’ Works and learn from each other. Besides, there is
just one for each material so that children learn waiting for something,
respect others’ work and to be patient.
6- Small Objects Interest: This period goes from
1 to 2, 5 years old. Actually this is a very funny period because children are
aware of so tiny things that you never notice org ive importance to them. for
instance, just this morning we were searching for an ant in the balcony with my
fifteen month old daughter. She is obviously in this sensitive period and
always excited when she encounters with such tiny – especially moving –
creatures. Maria Montessori was telling about such an experience with a fifteen
month old child in her book, The Absorbent Mind. She says, the child was
laughing loudly in the garden because she was watching a hardly noticeable bug
on a stone.
All the information given above shows that a
child constructs all features that will be needed in his rest of life. This is
an exact evidence of why the first plane of development, i.e. the first six
years is of vital importance in all life of a human being, and thus, why adults
should be so careful in following the child and preparing suitable environment
for feeding these sensibilities.
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