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Montessori Classification Cards and Montessori Sound Boxes

Classification Cards

First, I decided on the topic, and since we have several kinds of nuts nowadays, I decided on that topic. I have chosen ten types of nut, though there are much more than this, I selected only the ones that we already have in our environment. Then, I searched for nut photographs with white background. Besides, elected photos according to their content, i.e. they should contain both with shell and broken view of the nuts. I saved each in the dimension of 10*7, 5 cm, wrote labels of 1*10 cm, and doubled each because I will need them in making both mute cards and control cards. I printed them colorful, and cut them. Then, stick them on a cardboard to make them hard. 

All mute cards (with no labels) are piled on the floor and are inverted. The adult takes the card on the top and asks for its name. If the child knows it the adult put it in one side, if she does not know puts it another side. This continues till all the cards are opened. Then, the adult takes almost three unknown cards, and in the first stage she tells only their names. In this stage, no more information is given. In the second stage, the child is expected to show the right card when asked. She is asked in different ways until she answers the questions. In the third stage, she is expected to say their names. This pronunciation is done until all cards are learnt.

 Important notes about classification cards:

  • If it is an animal, try to find a picture that completely reflects the features ofthat animal. 
  • If you have more than one set of cards, then first card should be an overview, i.e. there should be a sample for each set on the first card.
For example, for the set of a lot of nut types, you should place a nut picture; 
                      for the set of tropical fruits, place a pineapple;
                      for the set of fruits including seeds, place an apple;
                      for the set of fruits including a big stone, place a cherry;
                      for the set of citrus fruit, place a mandarin picture on the first card.

  • When the child understands the ideabehind the classification, he can expand the examples.
  • An additional activity: Mix two groups of cards and want to classify them. At the end, he can check himself using control cards.
  • One another activity: Take a non-classified card.Askthe child to find what it is according to your description. The explanation should be as rich as you can, so that every detail can be important for the child. 
  • Besides, you matched the cards with real  objects.
  • And, if the child is older than four years old, s/he may want to try writing the words by looking at the cards.
  • Furthermore, they can try drawing the picture of the object.
  • And lastly, they can write or tell stories, or ryhmes on those objects. 
In the following link, you will find what we have done with the cards. 

Note: If you want to use the same cards of us, just comment on video below, write your email address, I can send them in pdf format.

Sound Boxes

We already have a lot of kinder surprise eggs at home. Since, they all are identical, small (child size), and non- transparent (so, the child cannot see inside while matching), this material is very suitable for making sound boxes. I took three pairs of boxes and put different objects in each pair. I put five plastic beans in one pair, twenty sequins in another pair, and ten red mullets in the last pair. I used egg containers for each group. Furthermore, I numbered each pair with the same number so that the child can check herself even if she plays alone.

The child takes one box from the first group, and shakes it near to her ear. Takes another one from the other group and checks whether they are the same or not. If they are not, she puts the box from the other group, in a different place so that she does not take it again. Then, she takes one more box from the second group and shakes it to hear the sound. This continues until she can find the same sound with the box in her hand. When they match, she checks the numbers at the bottom, if they are true, she leaves the pair in a third egg container. This procedure goes on until no box remains unpaired.

 And, this is the sound box activity:


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