Montessori Activities for 1-2 Year Old
Since generally they are able to walk on their foot, we should help them to do on their own As Montessori mentioned. Preventing children from discovering around is a wrong parent attitude. Any trial should be allowed if it is not dangerous. Being obsessive about hygene rules may hinder your child' s development.
Lets have a look what you can do with your baby.
First, include them in your daily life routines. There is a lot to do together. It will both keep her busy and make her feel happy :)
- There is a lot of activity you can do with animal toys also. For instance, you can show eyes, ears, tails of them, count the number of feet, talk about their color and sound, show their shadows. You always chat with your baby. This is important for their vocabulary and brain development. She can undertand you but just can not reply for the time being.

- In the photo below, there is a problem solving game with animals. She tried to rescue each animal from the box. You can talk make the rescued animal speak with her and thank to her :)

- You can do a lot of thing to impove fine motor skills. Exracting beans, corn, pomegranate, playing with dough, sand, peeling egs, tangerine, etc.
- Transferring activities are some of the basic activites of Montessori education. Glass to glass, by spoon, montessori scissors, etc. objects are transferred from one place to another. It is important for eye-hand coordination development. One of the is below: I chose raisin because she is still in oral period and wants to taste anything. So she ate something beneficial during the transfer :)

- Next two activities are very unique. Both targets the development of sense of hearing. I downloaded real animal sounds and wanted to match them with animal toys (not with cards!).
- And for the other one, I downloaded the real sounds of musical instruments (of course, ones that we have in our home) and wanted to match the sounds with the instruments.
- They like throwing balls in a hole, such as in a bottle or a box.
- They can build a tower.
- Next one is one of the most creative activities. There are cards that expects the kids combine the pieces. I did the same thing with real toys. I divided the animal toys into pieces and wanted my daughter to combine them. The link is below:
- And lastly, for sensorial development, you can use sponge, hair cream, shower jel, etc materials in your activities. Below, the first picture is shaving foam with some color and the other one is bubbles I made for her.

The above links are just a few of them I have done so far. I recorded more than 40. You can have a look at them on our youtube channel.
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Montessori Activities for 2-3 Years Old
- A common Montessori activity: Matching the smelling jars. I did not buy any material for this one, even jars! The key point here is using the same "boxes" so that the child can not distinguish between smells by just keeping the type of jar in mind. I used a kind of toy instead of jars and put a piece of cotton in each. I dropped some odors, such as vinegar, rose water, coconut oil, etc. I made 2 of each odor,numbered the same odors with the same number at the bottom and mixed the order. And wanted my daughter to find the same odor for each one. It was funny.
- Montessori color tablets is used to increase the awareness of the kid. She is expected to order the sticks with the same volor but different tones. Instead of purchasing, I painted the sticks on my own. The number of sticks can be increased or decreased according to age level. This can be played since 3 years old.
- They can match the colors and there is a huge number of activity for this concept.
- They can do zipper openings. Hence, you just provide her different types zippers,such as bag, coat, etc.
- A good way of improving fine motor skills is transferring liquids via a dropper. We wanted to achieve a goal in the end, and included cotton and colors in it. You can prepare any shape with cottons and dye it via dropper. We made a flower using the dropper.
- Next one targets the sense of taste. Just prepare a plate full of healthy food that your kid likes. Make a simple eyeglass (I used eva foam) and close her eyes. Then put the food in her mouth and want her to guess what it is.
- Of course, she continues helping us in daily life routines. She folds laundries, cleans the floors, washes the dishes, etc.

- In addition to these, there is so much to do together with your kid, such as ,extracting beans, etc.
- In order to improve fine motor skills, you can do a transfer activity by sponge. Take two cups, one filled with water. Use sponge for transferring the water into the other cup.
- Furthermore, they can paint a restricted area any more. I made such areas using eva foam. I cut star, banana, etc. having a hole in the middle.
We made a necklace with chenille and beans. It improves eye - hand coordination and creativity at the same time. Attaining something the she can use in the end made her so happy.
- They can understand and differentiate facial expressions any more. Thus, you can include them in your activities. There is a lot to do with this. I just drew them and asked her which is angry or sad, etc. In another activity, I painted her face and she demonstrated each feeling. You can do matching activity with cards, also.
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